(a Cabinet of Questionable Answers)

Questions, it seems, are inevitable.
Collected here are those which have surfaced most often. Some were asked aloud. Some were muttered into tea. A few simply appeared one morning, stamped out of beetle tracks. The answers are as honest as they can be under the circumstances, and have been assembled for your convenience and for the preservation of the artist’s remaining brain cells. Thank you in advance for not asking what the soup is made of.

  • What draws you to dark and macabre themes?

    I think I was drawn to it from earlier than I can remember back to, and my father was a fan of horror movies and encouraged that in me. I don’t know if there was any actual catalyst, I just know I’ve always been drawn to it.

  • What mediums do you prefer to work with?

    More than anything I work in ink on paper. It’s my favorite medium to use. But, I like to see where some work goes in other mediums such as paints (acrylic and gouache), pastels, collage and even digital. I prefer to sculpt with paper mache mainly, using a whole array of other materials to get a final result.

  • Where can I view or purchase your artwork?

    The webstore is the best place right now, but if you are in the Louisville area I have work in Aurora Gallery & Boutique and Unorthodox.

  • Do you offer prints or reproductions of your work?

    Yes I do. Many can be found here in the shop.

  • Is your artwork haunted?

    Only the ones that whisper at night.

  • Do you participate in art fairs, exhibitions, or workshops?

    Yes, yes and maybe! Check back here from time to time, or join my mailing list to be notified of any future events.

  • How long does it typically take to complete a piece?

    That’s hard to answer. While I have become more confident over the years and can work much faster, it still all comes down to the piece: the medium I’m working in, the size, and if the vision is clear and flowing or if I’m constantly stumbling with the direction. It can happen that I can produce a piece of work or two in a day while others take weeks to months.

  • Are there specific myths or folklore that frequently appear in your pieces?

    I don’t know that I use any one subject from lore more than others. I think it all has an influence on the works that I do. As far as things recurring, there tends to be a theme of isolation and loneliness, parasitic infestations, and what I call “the Supervisor”, which is some sort of invertebrate (usually a snail or slug) smoking a cigarette or pipe inserted in the drawing somewhere.

  • What advice would you give to aspiring artists interested in dark themes?

    Welcome to the community! There’s so many talented artists that share the same passions. I would suggest going down that dark….somewhat moist…..rabbit hole and exploring. And, just create! Do what interests you the most and your voice will find you.

  • Do you incorporate symbolism related to witchcraft or religion in your art?

    Sometimes. Usually I hint towards those themes with something fictitious but inspired by the subject of belief.

  • Can I use your art in a summoning ritual?

    Technically, yes. However, I cannot be held responsible for any eldritch horrors that appear, nor can I guarantee they will be friendly, coherent, or interested in small talk.

  • Do you accept commissioned projects?

    Not often but I have on occasion. It never hurts to ask but please don’t take offense if I decline. It’s usually due to time.

  • Do you use ethically sourced nightmares?

    Yes, all nightmares are grass fed and harvested sustainably from the collective unconscious, ensuring no undue distress to dreamers. Certified phantasm cruelty-free.

  • Do your illustrations contain hidden messages?

    Not unless you count the ones placed there by unseen forces beyond my control. If you decipher one, please send me a translation—I’d love to know what they’re saying.

  • Are your illustrations safe for children?

    Only the ones with strong constitutions, an appreciation for the macabre. I was introduced to artwork like this when I was growing up, and Look how I tu….on second thought….no.

  • Is it true that if I stare at one of your pieces for too long, I will gain forbidden knowledge?

    Yes, but the knowledge is often useless, like knowing the precise thoughts of a Victorian-era beetle or how to properly host a tea party for ghosts.

  • Can I eat your artwork?

    You can, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The ink has been known to cause mild existential dread when ingested.

  • If I buy your artwork, do I become part of a secret society?

    You already were, you just didn’t realize it until now. Welcome. The meetings are held at dusk on alternating Thursdays.

  • Why do you draw so many unsettling things?

    Mom?! Is that you? Please get out of the FAQs….I’ll call you later.

  • Will you ever illustrate a cheerful, normal, smiling person?

    That sounds terrifying. No.

  • Are you a real person, or merely a collection of elaborate stories?
