the case of missing coffee....
Ok, so I just finished making a pot of coffee. I prepared it in my favorite mug (ask Dr. Science) with creamer and a dash of sugar....stirring a bit. I know that I picked it up and brought it into my studio with me because I clearly remember sipping on it while walking through the door. Sitting down at the computer I log onto here, answer a few messages and then reach for my coffee...which turns out to not be there! I have absolutely no idea where it is right now! I've searched this whole apartment, and I haven't stepped outside on the porch yet; I don't believe that I'm missing any time nor does my asshole hurt (not any more than usual that is), so there's no real possibility that some grey man is sipping my coffee while looking at pictures of the inside of my rectum! Clint and I have discovered that this house has a ghost (for a later post), but I don't think it's graduated yet into hiding things from me.
I'm seriously at a loss here, and had to pour another cup in a different mug. If any of you see my coffee, tell it that I miss it and to come home. Things will be different, I promise!